
IBIS Global Summit 2018 – Hilton Munich Park, Munich, Germany

July 23, 2018

Sounds Commercial are proud to have worked alongside Bodyshop Magazine on their 2018 Global Summit held at The Hilton, Munich Park, Germany.

Being one of the major hubs for the international automotive industry manufacturers, Munich was perfectly placed for the 2018 Summit – The venue, weather and event did not disappoint.

Having built a solid partnership with Bodyshop Magazine over the last decade and beyond, the Sounds Commercial team are always thrilled to work on their events. Jason Moseley, Bodyshop Magazine CEO and his team are always striving to achieve exciting, engaging and educational events for the attendees, and this year was no exception.

The stage set deigned by Matt Willsteed, Head of Production at Sounds Commercial was simple, understated and elegant whilst still on a scale large enough to dominate the vast space gifted by The Ballroom. The raised stage and two screens allowed clear sight lines for all guests and provided the speakers the perfect platform to deliver industry news and updates to the attentive delegates.

After a day of conferencing, the guests departed and allowed our team four hours to completely revamp the room ready for a spectacular gala dinner with a plethora of entertainment for all to enjoy! Staging was whipped out and placed in new locations, white trevera drapes beautifully lit with up-lighters lined the walls from ceiling to floor, a performance area for the string quartet was erected, an area for the shadow dancers was carefully planned out and masked by black draping and a red carpet walkway was laid – all to create a room no longer reminiscent of the educational platform it had been earlier that day!

After guests had enjoyed the evenings festivities, the team were back to work to transform the room again, ready for day two of conference and within a blink of an eye The Ballroom was returned to it’s conference state.

As always, the Sounds Commercial team had a fabulous time working alongside an innovative and creative client and cannot wait for the next time…. Watch this space!

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