Bristol Young Heroes Awards

January 8, 2021

Sector: Charity Sector.
Format of Event: Virtual Awards Show.
Platform Used: YouTube Live Stream (Click here to watch)
Remote Participation Platform used: Zoom.
Venue: Sounds Commercial Studio Facilities, customised into a cosy, glitzy, chat show style setting.

Our objective was to create a glitzy, yet cosy TV chat show, to deliver a virtual awards show. Our approach to designing and operating this event was vastly different to our usual approach to a live event – where we had to take into consideration and prioritise many different factors since the Covid-19 restrictions have been in place.

Award Nominees joined remotely within a Zoom call, and their call was promoted to fill the screen if they won an award. The use of pre-recorded musical sections, celebrity talking heads and other fun pre-recorded VT’s were pivotal in keeping the event interesting for the viewers. The client also ran a variety of competitions on social media which provided additional content to deliver to the audience during
the event.

The biggest positive of running an event virtually, is being able to offer the experience to a limitless number of delegates. The delegate experience is of course different to a live in-person event, however by offering a variety of interactive elements, you can still create an engaging event, virtually.

Client Feedback:
“Never have I been so pleased to pay an invoice…If I could overpay you I would….It was a massive success and I’m still receiving incredible feedback about how well put together the event was…UWE head of events said that it demonstrated a new level of online eventing, proving that it’s still possible to deliver excellence” Bristol Young Heroes Awards CEO

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